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Reply to "Discussion on Guyana/Venezuela Border Issue"

Originally Posted by TK:
. I would caution you and CaribJ not to draw a conclusive point of view from a group of ignars (Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Yuji) on this cyber rum shop.

The Indo KKK aren't the problem.  They are a symptom.  When the PPP engaged in racism against Africans did you admit to this?  No you spent your time arguing with me, denying that this was the case, so YOU are part of the problem too.



Here is the deal. Caribj has often addressed racism and ethnic exclusion practiced by the Burnham era PNC.


You wish to LIE and pretend that I didn't so that you can justify similar ethnic exclusion and racism practiced by the PPP.


Now if you claimed that the PPP engaged in racial revenge than I would have no problem with that, provided that you accepted tit for tat racial revenge continued on by the APNU/AFC.


But you wish to pretend as if ONLY African dominated regimes engaged in ethnic exclusion and that the Indian dominated regimes were fair, so that Africans have nothing to complain about.  Do so and you make yourself a hypocriteClaim that I didn't admit that the PNC was racist towards Indians and you become a LIAR.


And yes the PPP did exclude Africans, and this has become blatantly obvious when we see who is heading up most of this state controlled agencies.

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