Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations. You and a few here thinks that Indians r racists. The fact is, majority of Indians live in communities void of Afro-Guyanese. I do not know weh yuh come from. But I have concluded, ur rants are mythical just as the few Afro-Guyana that I know who seems to thinks WE HATE BLACK PEOPLE.
It is a lie manufactured by the Peoples National Congress.
Forget about Yugi and his herd of Indo KKK. We just had 23 years of institutionalized racism where blacks were left out of jobs, contracts, etc. We just had a former president stand at babu john and scream the then ruling party, the PPP is a coolie party. So Indian racism against blacks is a figment of our imagination eh?
I and other black folks fully admit Indians have valid ethnic security concerns but you and the Indo KKK deny that blacks have ANY ethnic security concerns. We should just tek what alyuh dish out cuz alyuh superior. And God knows, were it not for alyuh we blacks won't even have our lil eddoe stew and grass in our tenement yard where we waiting to pounce pon alyuh and rob yuh so we can go and party.
A careful read of your post will make it pellucidly clear why Guyana is in a quagmire re race relations. You all are so jaded to your racism, your consciences seared to the point of not even knowing how RACIST you are!
The first step toward healing is for you and your ilk to admit you have a disease!