I understand your dilemma. You need deliverance, badly. It can be cancerous. Hate is a terrible thing.
is your "Nigerian pastor" aware of the anti-blackman hate speech you vomit in the name of the Lord on GNI ?
Hate speeches. I doan mek speeches. SOMETIMES, I express my opinions when others are overbearing with their racism. I seldom call on the Lord-his name is not to be messed with. He is holy and righteous. And especially when I dealing wid foul mouth Black racists. I seek not to implicate my Savoir. For the likes of u to associate his name wid evil. Like u doing now. Jesus needs to talk to u Black azz coolie bhai..
idiot! . . . "hate speech" has nothing to do with making speeches
go find a dictionary and educate yourself . . . the internet is free, damnit!
then carry yuh vomiting ole rass and go peddle your vileness and bigotry to the Afro congregation u have (apparently, so far) been so successful in deceiving . . . it's Sunday after all