The PNC's options are limited. The actions of the PNC today will boomerang. You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.
Really? Yuh seh "ethnic cleansing" under the new govt is in full swing? Yuh even seh (around may/june) is time fuh indians to flee guyana or some such shit and lots more petulant, whining shit. You poor, confused, whining gender bender.
When baseman, yuji,cobra, rama, and seignet look at Sean Hinds they look at him with extreme lust as he is "one strang, big, and ignorant blackman". This is why they work themselves up into such a frenzy about the "violent black man, and the poor defenseless Indo"
They even want to hand Guyana over to Maduro, all because of BLACKMAN.