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Reply to "Discussion on Guyana/Venezuela Border Issue"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The Jesus Venezuelan guy is  an idiot.  The Venezuelan claim is based on the 15th century Papal Bull when the world was divided between Spain and Portugal.  At no point during Guyana's colonial history did Spain, or for that matter Venezuela ever occupy that territory.


He claims that Venezuela wants Guyana back.  One cannot get back what one never got.  He screams that Granger is an Exxon employee.  This is about complete Madman paranoia.  So it is about US imperialism, and British colonialism, and every piece of lunacy that Maduro can concoct, while his people starve in the streets.



Benshop dealt with him properly 

Jesus is an ignorantr zealot.  Even the moderators (who in my opinion had a slight bias against Guyana) had to shut him down when he screamed about Granger being an EXXON employee, and ranted about US imperialism and British colonialism.


This is ironic as the only justification for this is because of Spanish colonial claims.  Well they might well claim all of Guyana, and Suriname at that rate.


Britain claimed up to the Orinoco River.  The USA assisted Venezuela in blocking this claim, and Venezuela considered itself the winner.


It is an anti communist plot by the CIA and a right wing regime which "reactivated" the claim in the early 60s against Jagan, and again in the 70s against Burnham.


Madman "reactivates" it now as it is a forgone conclusion that the former Chavez supporters consider Maduro to be a huge disappointment, so will not vote for him.  He must seek diversionary tactics, but apparently many/most Venezuelans aren't buying it.  Like the woman said, she grew up being told that Guyana is different, the claim complicated, and that it is better to just leave it alone.

In the end, alyuh hero (LFSB) help create the bind Guyana is in just because he hungry for Afro power and wanted independence before another election.  This is the definition of PNC nationalism.  Deal with it.
