Doan include others in this discussion. It is u and me.
Suh u r seying exactly what other blacks have been seying, "Indians have kept black people as second class citizens in Guyana."
I am saying that racism exists and BOTH Africans and Indians are guilty and that BOTH AFricans and Indians have suffered. I am saying that the PPP practiced the same policies of ethnic exclusion of Africans that the PNC practiced against Indians.
You are saying that 100% of the racism in Guyana is from Africans. That there has NEVER been an instance where Africans have suffered racism from Indians, and in fact it is RACIST for an African to say so.
And yes I am telling Indians to CONFRONT you who SHUT UP WHEN I POST!
Black folks tell people of other countries that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.