Oyee banna, Afros cannot be trusted. Look how Sean Hinds said today's PNC tried to get him to shoot-up Congress Place so they can pull off another Sun Chapman massacre of innocent Indians. PNC have made you Guyana Afros indulge in share evil. HE Granger trying to change it, but Burnhanism is well embedded in the PNC and people like you are part of it.
Suh Sean Hinds, a known criminal with allegiances only to his pocket and grasping at any straw to survive serious jail, is now the standard fuh black man trustworthiness, eh?
And how exactly is Granger trying to change this "share evil" that yuh seh black man indulges in when according to you and yuh clown posse hay, Granger is conducting systematic ethnic cleansing! Mek up yuh mind ass hole!
Look you confused lil antiman, why don't you just STFU and quit while you're ahead? Prancing around in yuh frilly panty with shrill screams of Sun Chapman might impress yuh indo kkk following but not me!