I and other black folks fully admit Indians have valid ethnic security concerns but you and the Indo KKK deny that blacks have ANY ethnic security concerns. We should just tek what alyuh dish out cuz alyuh superior.
And this is the point. The blacks who post here do not pretend that Burnham was a saint when it came to Indians. Recognize the validity of the Indian distrust of the PNC. In fact when AFC decided to team up with APNU for their first few days I was very skeptical about that move, recognizing the Indian ethnic insecurity issues.
But here we have Indians (the moderate ones) raising Indian concerns as is their right. Last year Kari screamed that the PNC should apologize to Indians, and called me a racist because I said that they shouldn't unless the PPP also apologize to Africans.
The point is that very few Indians here, with the exception of Riffraff, and Gilly, admit that the African ethnic insecurity dilemma exists, and is every bit as VALID as that of the Indian. So when Africans celebrated in May 2015, as Indians celebrated in October 1992, the Africans were called racists, but no such charge was made against the Indians.
But of course I am a racist for pointing this out, whereas rama, seignet, baseman and others can go to white supremacist sites and lift up descriptions of blacks, and plant them here, and yet they aren't racist. Or their racism is trivial, as it is against blacks, who apparently deserve this.
Little to do so called non racist Indians know this, but their behavior is contributing to the wide spread view among blacks that Indians are fundamentally racist, and refuse to see themselves as Guyanese first and foremost.