I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.
Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.
Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!
But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.
Carib, the problem with the above (absolutely correct) scenario is not Jagdeo, it is that "afros cannot be trusted" (per Baseman). Such is the depravity of this fool baseman.
Baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK lust after blacks like Sean Hinds, who is a criminal. They feel foolish when he double crosses them, and then blame honest black people.
Aside from not being too smart, Baseman is a morally bankrupt man who cheers lawlessness because he thinks his "side" is winning. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.
U rite, there is no hope for Guyana. We will never get a Guyanese government. We are a CURSED NATION. Both coolies and blacks agreed on that-they will never return to live in that country. Our sins are like enormous sores-never healing. After 23 years of Coolie mayhem, one would think a coalition government would choose the middle ground. Instead, the three Coolie racists on here is an ample explanation as to why Guyana would always have either a coolie government or black government.