This new president don't have military-style political-inspired gangsters held up and protected in villages slaughtering at will. So his situation and actions are suited to the reality.
At what stage did the PPP attempt to professionalize the police force and stream line the court systems to allow more rapid trials and speedier punishment of the guilty.
The PPP set up a paramilitia to protect the ELITES, and then you pretend as if Jagdeo was some hero to engage with criminals like Sean Hinds. A criminal is a criminal and will behave like a criminal, so when the men who are given guns by the PPP to do their deeds, they then moved on to harass innocent people.
In any case there is evidence which suggests that Fineman had ties to Roger Khan. Sat Sawh's family is convinced that his murder, and that of other family members lies at the foot of the PPP. Notable it is that the PPP never bothered to find out and prosecute the master mind behind that, even though Jagdeo screamed that he knew who the guilty parties were.
So quit your nonsense. Guyana under the PPP remained every bit as lawless and as criminal as it was when House of Israel drove fear into the hearts of many. In fact many of the people who the PPP employed were trained by that thug force.
Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.