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Reply to "Donald Ramotar dissolved Guyana’s 10th Parliament on Feb. 28, 2015 . . . then gifted one and a half million acre Canje Oil Block to battam house man Idris Dookie on March 4, 2015"

kp posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

If someone should call you a name of a zoo animal, the Admin will go crazy and SUSPEND. So wah happen now, because you Black you get off!!!

 What you posted is a big LIE, show the Proof or shut up.

Ramotar did gift state lands to Dookie who does not have the finances or the knowledge to develop oil fields in deep water. There are only about five companies capable of doing it. This is for the only reason to re lease, use in stock issues to fill his pockets etc. It is a classic example of what crooked governments do in the give away of oil income to cronies. I have spoken out on this as far back as when it happened. The threads are still here. A point of note, Trotman was photographed with dookie approving the deal so this regime could have squashed or questioned the deal but did not 
