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Reply to "Donald Ramotar dissolved Guyana’s 10th Parliament on Feb. 28, 2015 . . . then gifted one and a half million acre Canje Oil Block to battam house man Idris Dookie on March 4, 2015"

cain posted:

The few with the balls to call out their own are treated as outcasts. 

Bai, right now, Granger and his Coalition has taken Guyana into a constitutional crises and no black person is demanding that they obey the law. Even Hinds and Lewis has fallen into step with their black brethren in the Coalition. The new conflict has emerged as it seems that there is no appetite for an Indian to me PM. Seems like the PNC wants a black PM to match their black President. If they don't get that, they will insist that the only a black PNC person take over if Granger drops dead. Here is the kicker to that demand. No one knows at what moment Granger will drop dead and if for some reason an Indian PM is in place and who must become President if Granger drops dead, the PNC will violate the Constitution in order to hop over that Indian PM to get a black PNC to the Presidency. Janet Jagan engineered the system to get Jagdeo to replace Hinds to he can take over when she retired thereby avoiding violating the Constitution. The PNC will not even bother to go through that engineering process. They will just blatantly violate the constitution and blacks like Hinds and Lewis along with the two blacks here will go along with that violation.

With all that I wrote above, no Indian has any obligation to join those blacks in any of their wild goose chases. Especially since no one Indian is wasting any time beseeching any of those blacks to stop supporting the wicked, illegal and immoral actions of Granger and his Coalition.

Notice we nah telling any blacks what to do. Dem cyan do whatever dem want to do and we will do what we have to do. We don't care to moan, groan and whine like them.
