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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

Trump made it clear, he will not tolerate being shouted down and his events shut down like Hillary's and Sanders's.  His supporters ensured that was not going to happen.  Then you should racist slurs at them.  As long as people accept your form of bullyism and accept what you mete out, then all's well.  When they react, they are racists!!

As I told you, this is not Guyana!!

I am assured this fascist will never see the inside of the white house. America always gets it right

Don't worry with baseman.  When he goes to one of Trump's events and they call him a ragheaded ni99er then he will learn sense.

In fact blacks have long been humiliated at GOP events. At the last convention in Tampa even a GOP official had to complain, when some one who didn't know her, used racial language against her. 

All of these folks who pretend as if bigotry in the GOP only began under Trump, are the hypocrites. 

Nixon decided to win in 1968 by capturing the Dixiecrat votes, as LB predicted would happen. 

Reagan doubled down on this by celebrating the murders of the 3 civil rights heroes in Miss, by hosting a campaign event in that town.  Like baseman, Reagan pretended that blacks are nothing but a welfare loving group when more than 70% have NEVER received any welfare payments in their lives.

George HW then won an election with the infamous Horton ad.

The Tea Party started its presence with caricatures of Obama with a bone in his nose and rants that he is a "witch doctor who needs to go back to Africa".  They then demand proof that he was born in the USA, even as their second largest candidate was born in Canada with a Cuban father.  No claims that he shouldn't be allowed to be president.

No wonder Baseman feels so at home in this den of racist vipers!
