Stormborn posted:.Why are you falling into the race baiting trap of those bigots? 63 percent of the votes to date has been anti trump and that is mainly white GOP people who find him offensive.
With due respect to you, Trump merely reflects the chickens coming home to roost. Since 1968 the GOP have been promoting themselves as the "white party" as they sought after the votes of Southern whites, enraged with the role of LBJ and the Civil Rights bill, and Northern whites, who were upset at the growing power of non whites in the Democratic party, especially in the Midwest, and Northeast.
Reagan took it to an even higher level, deliberately campaigning on soil soaked by the blood of Cheney, Goodman, and Schwerner, and screaming about "black welfare queens". This in order to gain the support of the white working class, when even then was beginning to be impacted by outsourcing, and automation.
Now they all run around pretending to be appalled by the racist violence at Trump rallies, but even at the last convention, some black Republicans reported being humiliated by some who were in attendance.
The GOP were told to broaden their base, and to cease playing the race card. They didn't.
So now Trump lands on their door step! Being even more blatant in courting the racial insecurities of the white working class, who continue to blame non whites for their plight (blacks, immigrants, and China), instead of the white elites, who made fools of them. Trump being a proud member if this class, given his boasts of his wealth.