baseman posted:Mars posted:skeldon_man posted:Mars posted:Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.
The Indians don't try to straighten and put streaks in their hair. Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.
Why would Indians try to straighten their hair when it's already straight? You should take a walk down Liberty Avenue and see all those blonde Indian girls. Why are whitening creams more popular in India than Coca Cola?
Fuh look mo nicer!! You gatt a prablim wit datt?
I have no problem with anyone trying to enhance their appearance. Why is skeldon_man fighting down the black man when Indians do the same thing?