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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns


White Americans are ready to fight for Donald Trump and their country against Black protesters.

Source: CNN

The people looking into the camera are the protesters. Do they look predominantly black you stupid moron?

No worries.  The Indo supremacists are daily showing that they are the KKK.   Look how they champion white racism.

Drug addiction and welfare increasingly rampant among that Trump base, uneducated white males, and yet they wail about blacks.

There is no need to reflect the nastiness coming from Ugli  and Drugabeer.  These are the bottom feeders of our society that suddenly think because they have a roof over their head they are into the class of the rich so they call everyone else welfare cheats and drug users. It is their way of coping with their own inferiority.

Yes, Trump is pulling from the disaffected and dispossessed and often the worse off than black people in this country. Poor people are always plagued with escapism hence drugs and drink and they have to eat so they apply to the what exists and rightly so for them, the national safety net of welfare and associated aid for the the poor system in the society.  Their status as the oppressed is exactly what once made the back culture suspect to drugs and crime...lack of work and hope.

Speak to the issues. Trump is a demagogue who prey on the people fears and directs their anger to others equally at the bottom of the society as their scapegoat. The poor hispanic immigrant or the almost 100 thousand of ours who are mainly indians do not cause these people to be poor. Wall street that is Trump bedfellow and class clique are the ones who oppress both.

The idea that america is not strong, is not what it was is also a myth. Many of us remember true horror of poverty here. When I landed in NYC it was a snowy night. I called a friend to come and pick me up because I could not get a connecting flight to DC. I woke up to a world of broken buildings of the south Bronx that was surreal.  But then in DC I took the bus down Georgia avenue....missed my stop and ended up down town. From U street To F street was as bombed out as the Bronx I left. That was the bad america I knew and that summer I saw the famous Harlem and saw how out people were crammed into slums working as slaves in the garment factories.

 Older people knew the horrors of slavery from their parents, experienced jim crow in their lives so Trump is just being a royal ass about the greatness that was. America is great. I traveled this country end to end and indeed pockets of misery still exist but it is the greatest nation in the world. We do not need to make america great. We need to make it whole.

To do so means we do not mirror the bigots here or there Trumps of this world. He will not win because those Americans who can rise above their personal tragedies can see this is a place of hope, potential and the most wonderful place to be. It is not Trump fascist vision.
