baseman posted:Oh, you are so bitter.
The Indians of Guyana and the Afros of the USA have as much in common regarding the fight against oppression and the politics of apartheid and exclusion. But they and not you!!
Yes and yet you endorse a Trump who is the MOST loved by those responsibility for the oppression of black Americans. It was the red neck white supremacists who oppressed blacks for 400 years. It is these SAME people who prefer Trump over Cruz, Rubio, Kasich,Sanders and Clinton.
The idiot that you are, doesn't even PRETEND to ask yourself why do white supremacists love Trump so.
Come November TRump on the ballot will motivate blacks to pour out for Hillary (or Sanders). Just the KKK endorsing Trump will get them to do so.
ESPECIALLY in states like VA, NC, and FL with their traditions of KKK activity. Hell the Dems might even win LA at this point!