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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

baseman posted:

Progressive Blacks understand the real issues and the solutions!!  They cut to the chase and don't talk around the real issues and try to find excuses!!

Let us hear Caribj and the rest of his "followers" rant and cuss the good doctor!!

A loser politician who was rejected by his own party.

Your point?  Plus Carson will scream racial discrimination, when it suits is purposes, and in fact has done exactly that.

BTW Carson is considered by blacks as a hero for his own personal story, and an idiot for his politics.  He is good at being a brain surgeon, but clearly not for much else.

BTW how come you didn't tell us that Ben would have starved to death, had his family not had access to food stamps, when he was growing up.  Or the fact that his auto biography is full of lies.
