baseman posted:How about Carson?
Burnham was a brilliant man. Much respected, even by those who hated him. He was considered a bright man with an evil mentality.
The fact that Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon, and has received LOTS of recognition from blacks for his success, and has been held up as a role model, doesn't mean that his politics is of relevance.
The man's achievements were as a neurosurgeon. As a young man, he was an ANTI WAR supporter, and voted for George McGovern. So when Carson was in college his values were that of a LEFT wing Democratic.
His political views are nonsense, and motivated by being a bible thumper. He asserts that the Egyptian pyramids were built by Joseph and not the Egyptian pharaohs. Given that he is a scientist, the fact that he doesn't believe in the evolution, but instead in the weird "Adam and Eve creationism" is quite weird. This when ample evidence exists of the evolution theory.
And as to his rise to success. Well Michelle Obama also arose out of poverty, and Barack Obama certainly didn't have an easy life. Oprah Winfrey probably had the hardest life of them all, and has become the WEALTHIEST self made female on the planet.
Yet you don't cite them as examples!
The weakest aspect of Carson's life is his politics, which comes not from the values that his mother transmitted to him and his brother, nor from his politics when he was in college. But from his anti abortion, and anti gay rights stance.
What racists like you need to accept is, notwithstanding the rampant racism that still exists, there is rampant evidence of black success. Almost all of these successful blacks will be voting for Hillary in November.