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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

baseman posted:
 It's one rooted in prejudice and racism against what is deemed a White party!


So using your logic Indians must like the PNC, and only reject them because they are the "black man party".

The GOP has been very evil to blacks, embracing the most racist elements of the USA.  Strom Thurmond, and the other Klansmen took off their white hoods, and became proud Republicans, and NEVER apologized for their history towards blacks.  In fact they perpetuated the myth that MLK was a communist criminal, and REFUSED to accept his being acknowledged as an American hero.

When white racists became angry with the Democrats, who passed the civil rights bills, the GOP welcomed this bigots into their party.

And yet you feel that blacks must accept the GOP.

Why?  And if so, why don't you accept the PNC?

40% of whites vote Democrat.  In fact MORE whites vote Democrat, than non whites, so why is the GOP the "white party" when 40% of whites reject them?

And given that the GOP is the "white party" with all that implies about rejection of non whites being treated and respected as EQUALS. then why should blacks support them?

Blacks only voted for a black man as president on two occasions.  They have been voting white men for many decades.
