baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:What a contortionist you are!
We shall see what triumphs and who emerges on top later this year!
Could you be a little more substantive and qualitative!. Yes, we shall all see, we all know that, lord.
I presented you a plausible scenario, whether you agree or not, it is a plausible scenario for the GOP pathway to the WH! Now you give us yours for Hillary and the Dems and how she/they will swing that large undecided out there not gravitating to her. That is her/their key task at hand and challenge!!
Don't lose yourself in demagoguery and infantile rants!! I'm waiting, and don't go begging Caribj and Storm for help, be your own person!!
You are not one to debate with. You dwell in insults and sway with which ever wind blows you. You have always characteristically done that. Always on this BB. It is all right here over the years.
You think that you are now protected on this BB so relish it. You know exactly what I mean. This BB has become your raison d'etre. The board has delivered what you see as a "gift". I shall not elaborate further.
Those guys you mentioned consistently demolish you.
We shall see what happens later this year!
What is this, your analysis of how Hillary and the Dem will swing that undecided?? Give it some more thought, you jump the gun there lady!!
I asked you for your thoughts, no insults. Stop running and hiding behind them bannas. Give your "independent" thoughts.
Don't bother with "those guys" and me, I've been here with them for a long time, and we all still deh hey. I ain't going anywhere, neither they I assume!!
I frankly don't know what the heck you ranting about lady and what's the relevance!! I'm here to discuss Guyana and politics in general and I put it out there, so exactly what is this "protection", beats me. What is this "gift"? Lord, you all over the place like a chicken without a head!
Take a breath and catch yourself!! Now, get back to the subject at hand. Go back to the top!! I'm waiting!!
It may appear that Susan has a lot to learn. Thanks for giving her a realistic lesson Base.
She needs to understand that she MUST respect the opinion of others.
PNC days of eye pass have long gone, we will not conform to Susan's views and opinions. Welcome to a new generation.
Susan must learn to take the heat if she wishes to dish it out.