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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

baseman posted:

Trump is not only a TV personality

He is actually REALITY TV personality, adept at telling lies to excite simpletons like you.

Trump cannot ban imports. He cannot build a wall. He cannot deport 11 million undocumented (some of them are even HIS employees).

He knows all this, but he still sells illiterates a bill of goods.

So let us look at this fact. Germany is a HUGE exporter of industrial products to China.  WHY? Because German workers are highly skilled and American workers are not. 

As it is there aren't even enough Americans workers with skills to meet EXISTING demand!  employers cry out about the low quality labor which is available.

So why don't Trump take a leaf out of Hillary's book and devise ways to UPGRADE the quality of US labor? 

Oh yes, I know the red necks think that being white is all they need to be, as they ridicule the notion of being educated. But they really do need to be helped out of their ignorance! Trump is NOT going to do this!
