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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

susan posted:

The so called credibility issues you mention seem to be trumped up (no pun intended). Where are the indictments? 

She is a strong, consistent woman. 

Political expediency seems to have been mastered by your hero trump. As you say yourself you don't really expect him be as extremist as he seems to be on the campaign trail, right?!  He instigates to get a following by some like persons and believes that is without serious consequence.

And Who again ordered the Iraq invasion? You know. Shifting again huh? 

Oh well as I say you might get eye turn  boy! 

We all know who ordered it.  The question with Hilary, why did she voted for it when many in her party did not?  Baseman did not agree with that war!

She also supported the Libyan invasion and presided over the Benghazi debacle!

She did not take a position on Keystone, then took a position against it, after it was defeated.

Listen, I was a big Hillaryites back in 2008 but since then have seen things about her that is a bit not so attractive!

And the credibility gap is not only in baseman's head, it's out there and Hillary has yet to get over.  She is NOT Bill.

On Trump, truth of the matter, I don't think he will be the final GOP choice however, he has fired up a base which had gone uninterested for some time.  The Establishment needs to now walk a fine line with them and be respectful with how Trump and his hot button issues are managed and incorporate into their policy platform. Trump has served his purpose, but he has to go to the Convention floor with his bag of "goodies" and do a deal.

You take this fired up base, hand it over in-tact to a Ryan type who then pulls along the broader constituency and independents, Hilary will have problems!  The fact that there is still a large swathe of voters unconvinced with Hillary after this rockus GOP primary, tells of her weakness!!  The GOP has smelled blood!!  The fact that this "unpresidential" and "outrageous" candidate, as you like to say, can run not that far behind Hillary in a national head to head, tell of the weakness of Hillary!

Watch it, the GOP has a pathway to the WH and it includes Trump, though it may not be Trump!!
