redux posted:baseman posted:Nah, Bush had to deal with 9/11 and an overheated housing market which exploded. He did not create that, he inherited it when it was already a run away train, green lighted by Greenspan!!
One would expect, with the major inflection under Bush's watch, the surge under Obama would have been a bit more acute!! That growth seen under Obama seem like natural workforce expansion as opposed to an absorption of the unemployed. Now, does that not square with the workforce participation? Who you think bore the brunt? That squares with the Black employment situation.
I ask again, tell me what has been done in almost eight years to correct the Black unemployment situation!
why? and what does that even mean?
banna, do u have any real idea what happened in 2008?
oh wait, my bad . . . i fughet i talking to the Trump camp follower who brays certain and often but is yet to detail what he mis-learned about "dead cat bounce" at trade school
Every once in a while, you experience it!!