baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:FC posted:The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
Trump consistently makes absurd statements and promises to take extremist actions that his supporters laud, as incredulous as they are. If trump becomes the president then those supporters will expect him to deliver per his campaign promises, wall and all. That is how is happens everywhere, Guyana included.
He says it all on public fora over and over again and he no doubt is being taken literally by those masses of supporters that he has. I think it is risky to expect that he will tone down or partially deliver on what he promises to do.
A lot hinges on what will happen at the GOP convention.
Anyone who believes all the rhetoric in a campaign are naive. All the lofty goals of Obama, where are we? Even seemingly "simple" low hanging fruits like Gitmo still sits!! I don't blame him as on any campaign trail, statement come easy, no one expects endless details, however, the devil is in the details.
Trump is setting a "directional" policy agenda. How it will be done, that's another matter! The people like the direction!!
Well, what you deem the "Trump directional policy agenda" is frightening and absurd to say the very least. God Help America if he becomes President!
What will happen to you few myopic racists if you can't go back to Guyana because you see it as a Black dominated state and Trump makes life so hard for you that you cannot stay here. Not sure that Canada will take the likes of some of you if they see the hateful things you few say. Will you be the World's first persona non grata?!
Maybe not, I think you few trying to tone down just a bit, is it my imagination?!
Trump as president will be good for the USA. The dire predictions are similar to what the many dooms-dayers thought of Ronald Reagan!! Any leader who seeks to shift the paradigm will be divisive and frightening as people are uncomfortable with big shifts!! However, this "supertanker" is headed straight for the "iceberg"!!
I've always done well in the "White" world, even the "White of White", Swiss! Anyway, maybe a Trump presidency will reverse the coup d'etat which occurred in Guyana on May 11, 2015 and restore democracy!! Trump, Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton Bush, never affected the livelihood or anything regarding baseman!! The aim is to work hard, attain education and skills and be flexible, things do work themselves out!
I believe Obama is a good guy actually, but I don't think he was a good leader. He could not build coalitions and move the US forward. He preferred to remain aloof and self centered, and excused it as having young kids!
But I have to say, he seems a good person! When he does not get what he wants, he double-down with "rule by decree"!! That hardens opposition and he is blocked on everything! However, this attribute is what led to the opening with Cuba, so it's not all bad. Win some, lose some. But he lost more than he won!
And, I know it's difficult for you to envision, but baseman is a man of love for all!! No child, regardless of race, religion of sex should be deprived of a chance to make the most of life!!
Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled! they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora!