baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:True dat!
A really good friend, a gem of a man, used to say, something like "it is the biggest illusion to think that something that appears beautiful to the eye is also necessarily good".
I shall be hoping that you are right about The Trump!
Listen lady, I'm also hoping I'm right. I don't hold any deep trust for politicians, but he is not. However, if I have to accept Hillary, well as long as she allows Bill to move in with her, I'd by ok with that!!
Nice! Hillary will be good for us all! Yes would love to see Bill's hand supporting! That is the way to go!
Hold your horses dear lady, I'm for Trump, I don't trust Hillary. She is like "dough", she takes a position, after "she takes a position"!! She does not come across genuine at all, shady and hide and seek! I don't know what to make of her!!
Truth is, I believe Trump will do a "deal" with the GOP and we will get Ryan! Then Hillary has some real problems!
Hey your special name for me is Dough or rather sour dough among your other signature labels, so don't spread it around too much now!
Boy you just said you ok with Hill once Bill there, and he will be they are a team. You know how teams work right?!
Dont spin around too much you might lose balance and fall too fast