baseman, Hillary indeed has a deficit when it comes to the general elections' voters trust factor. Trump will be the GOP nominee in the November - and I was wrong about his chances early in the Primary season. Trump's strength is playing to the US voters' fears.
The good thing about Trump's strength is that a minority of voters will act on his clarion call about border protection, national security in the face of radial Arab terrorists who co-opt Islam, and free trade and jobs. He is totally wrong on all those but people do not care if his solutions will work only on Mars or Jupiter - it is just that he sounds good on anger.
Hillary's strengths are obvious - her public service and successes in the political arena. She also has what the Donald does not have - her party's unity. And that's an important point. When it comes to her weakness, wavering Democratic voters will eventually look across at her opponent and say - what??!!
What's important are the numbers - specifically the Electoral College seats. Can you envision Trump winning these huge States - California, New York, Illinois and Florida? The reality is in the answer to that question.