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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

Kari posted:

Reprinted here in cadse caribny missed the import of the narrative.

==============================================“The major source of economic anxiety for working-class white men is not whether they have a job tomorrow,” Mr. Garin said, “it’s that they still haven’t had their personal recovery. Their recovery is about assets and income.” For African-Americans, on the other hand, “you don’t take job growth for granted.”


The Affordable Care Act may be another aspect of President Obama’s economic record that minority voters and working-class whites view differently. “Blacks and Hispanics benefited more from the A.C.A.,” said Simon Rosenberg, president of NDN, a policy and advocacy group. “It was a really dramatic lowering of their uninsured rate, which was obviously material to their economic health and their overall comfort in the world.”


Kari if people are unemployed, or low paid they cannot pay for Obamacare, and it will eventually be canceled.

Labor force participation rate for black MEN declined from 69% in 1994 to 63% by 2014. 

This doesn't even factor in the many who might be only employed part time, when they need full time employment, and others who have had to accept jobs with vastly lower pay.

Black home ownership had reached 50% by 2000, declined to 46% by 2005 and tumbled further to 41% by December 2015.  This is LOWER than it was in 1990.  Over the past 15 years almost 20% of black homeowners have lost their homes.

Black median income (in 2015 dollars) was $40k in 2000, and only $35k by 3rd quarter 2015.

So Kari I don't know where you get the idea that blacks are happy.

The number ONE concern with blacks is the economy and their ability to find decent paying job. They would only love it if they can return to 2000 levels.  7 years of Obama did NOT erase the damage of the Bush Great Recession.

And before you think that this reflects the problems of the black dysfunctional poor (this is where almost all non blacks head when this topic is discussed) look at what happened in Prince George.  This was a very affluent black community in the DC suburbs. Interesting that its virtually no more, despite the first "black" president.
