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Reply to "Donald Trump is Unstoppable."

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump was right all along when he said to deport all the illegals, suspend immigration from all terrorist sponsored States and monitor the ones living here legally. You just don't know who is who. People come to America for freedom and a good life that they can't get in their own country.  Yet they appease radical ideology to destroy America. America needs a new beginning and Donald Trump is the man that will make the difficult choice. Difficult situation calls for drastic measures.

ummmmm . . . unfortunately for u, Homeland Security is actually much more interested in YOUR manifesto proudly posted (and tenaciously defended) last November here:


CobraThe Serpent

"Why America have to be the world police to go in other people's country and tell them how to live their lives? Can you force your religion on someone else? No. Can you force democracy over sharia law? No. Can Obama tell China, Russia and North Korea to become.democratic nations? He'll no.

ISIS don't want western influence in their country and they're fighting the American disease from spreading. We must understand that these people are not terrorists, they're freedom fighters fighting for a cause American don't want to understand.

Saudi Arabia is well respected and protected by American because of the oil. Saudi's have the worse human rights record and still look good in America's eyes.

Obama need to review his foreign policy and get the he'll out of other people's country and let them live the way they chose.

If we get attacked in NYC, that would be the cause of Obama. He should then be impeached from office for fighting innocent people in their own country."


run yuh colors up de flagpole one more time bai . . . belch like u mean it like last time

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