Stormborn posted:. However, independents who hate president Obama are not her target. She will target those who care about liberal issues. Not all independents are Trump deluded. Many are Bernie deluded and these are not political kinfolks.
Correct. Independents aren't a monolithic block. There are those who lean GOP, and others who lean Democrat. They just aren't willing to be defined by a party, and will be willing to jump ship, if the right candidate comes up.
Even the Bernie and Trump folks have the same rage, many due to being left behind by the transformation of the economy, they assign blame for this differently.
Trumpites blame blacks, women, gays, and "foreigners". They feel that they while maleness should give them special rights, and are enraged that this seems less the case than it used to be.
Bernie folks blame US economic elites, and wish them to be restrained. They may be open to cross racial alliances, as they tend to identify by class more than by race.
Bernie being a serious contender, has forced Hillary to be focused on how she is going to deal with income inequality and the gradual demise of the lower middle class. Had he not been in the race, and she then encountered Trump, he would have gobbled her up.
Most Americans are embarrassed by Trump. He is vulgar, foul and caters to the worst instincts. He is unfocussed, narcissistic, and total disinterested in details. He is arrogant and unwilling to learn, and not even vaguely curious. I submit that he doesn't really want the JOB of being president. He just wants the attention.
And this is why a Hillary, forced to focus because of Bernie pressure, SHOULD win. She should keep Obama's 2012 states, and add NC and AZ to the total! I will suggest that she will have a run for it in MI, PA, OH, and MO, as she does seem to have a "white male problem".