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Reply to "EAB aborts Test of Voters' List . . . Surujbally's "reputation" in tatters . . . prepare for Election Fraud!"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Region 1 has almost 50 percentage increase these past three years. The same goes for  1, 8 and 9.  This data is easily testable.

Of course the opposition should have been checking this out since they planned the MONC.


This is why the PPP might well win, even though most Guyanese seem tired of them.  They remain smarter and hungrier than the PPP.  There are too many Moses cultists in the AFC, and I am not sure that many in APNU haven't accepted their fate as a permanent opposition.  This is why people like Urling and Africo rush to drink PPP soup.

dude, GECOM published the PLE in February of this year . . . stop yuh stupidness
