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Reply to "EAB aborts Test of Voters' List . . . Surujbally's "reputation" in tatters . . . prepare for Election Fraud!"

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ha Ha !


Listen to the sore losers cry.


The PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. The PNC is stuck a 40 percent.

Of course you will wonder how the PPP will actually rule Guyana if large numbers of Guyanese, and the world at large thinks that the gov;t lacks credibility due to rigging the elections.


Don't boast because the PPP won by rigging, because that looks like this is the ONLY way that they can guarantee victory.


There just aren't enough Indian votes left to guarantee victory. Quite a few Indians will NOT vote PPP, and the racist campaigning by the PPP is scaring away non Indians.



But you are right.  If the opposition twiddles their thumbs and lets the PPP rig, they will be sore losers if the PPP wins as a result of this, unless they can furnish irrefutable proof of rigging!
