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Reply to "East Indians when you go out to vote, remember this."

ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:
Prashad posted:
Totaram posted:
Prashad posted:

Totaram is an anti koolie also.

No, I am a proud coolie but not a racist. For example, I will never support the crooked Ali because he is a coolie.

The man ever stole from you?

Indirectly, because he stole from the people of Guyana.

Was Ali convicted for a crime? 

They been accusing Jagdeo for much longer and they still haven't found a way to jail him either.

The fact is that Ali faked a degree form a non-existent university of the West Coast.  That is the truth.  Is that acceptable to you?  Is that the kind of person you want representing you?  As I mentioned before, UWI is investigating the circumstances surrounding that degree he got there.

Girl, primary to me is a party that respects the rule of law and constitution and has the decency to return the peoples trust when it is asked for. The PNC has shown over the past year that they do not possess the civility to oblige the people. Therefore the PPP is the better option especially since they have proven only five years ago that they possess the civility to do so.

Ali's certificates were being questioned long before UWI conferred that PhD on him so there is no surprise on their part. Secondly, how much time do they need to investigate this? You claimed that you are aware that they are investigating it. Maybe you should consult your source and find out how they are progressing with that investigation.

Why do you foolishly think I am someone you know?  It is downright stupid. The Coalition is the better option because despite everything you say it is much less corrupt than the PPP.  Transparency International, a respected global organization, recently reported that that Guyana is now significantly less corrupt than it was in 2105.  I am certain that UWI is investigating the Ali affair.  I do not know where they are in the process.  However, anyone who understands how graduate school works would know that something is fishy about this matter.
