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Economic slowdown as Guyana seems to be headed into a severe recession

Ok folks


A latest poll indicated that 61 Percent of Guyanese are of the opinion that the escalation of crime as never seen in the history of Guyana is linked to an economic slowdown.


During the election campaign, APNU claimed to have all of the answers to Guyana's problems.


Guess what ? They appear clueless.


Rice and Sugar are in deep trouble with Investors reluctant to Invest in an unstable and unsafe economy. Guyana is indeed headed into a deep recession. 


What appears to be troubling for Investors is the implementation of a policy of removing top brass Indos from high profile positions and a mentality that all successful Indo Guyanese are drug dealers.


This is further from the truth. The old Burnhamite PNC killed the Goose that laid the golden egg and the New PNC is even more eager to kill the Goose that lays the golden egg.


The PPP has finally decided to enter Parliament and this will further expose a very disappointing APNU. A Government that appear clueless so far.


And yes, remember how APNU and their supporters demanded that they be consulted on the Budget while in opposition ? Guess what ? APNU has made it very clear that it will go solo in preparing it's budget.


Guyana is headed into one of it's worse economic times in it's history. The tide that brought APNU into office may become the same tide that will sail them out.


To date, not one single of APNU/AFC's claim of massive corruption has been proven. Harmon is opening his loud mouth which is usually followed up by him swallowing up his own saliva.


Pray for Guyana, its's safety and it's economic future because APNU appears clueless so far. Investors are staying away from Guyana since Harmon is the most confrontational Minister in Guyana's history. 


President Granger better wake up.

Last edited by Former Member
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