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Reply to "Economic slowdown as Guyana seems to be headed into a severe recession"

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Bunch of jokers.  He jumping on many limbs at the same time, better watch out he don't get a hernia.  I'm sure he's hoping to get noticed and a call from Congress Place, like some of the other jokers.  It's almost amusing.



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


Some of them are quite these days, wiping their tears and burying their heads in shame as Supremacist Harmon turned his back on them in favour of his own kind.
