Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.
I live in NYC and have no plans to visit Guyana. Not my problem.
So how come you so hyped about the goings on down there. Man, alyuh prapa fool people. You mekking trouble from afar for yuh mattie, not nice bai, not nice.
I know that you are Indian, so only care about other Indians, whether in India, Guyana, or the USA, but I am a Guyanese, and I will remain Guyanese whether I am in Guyana or not.
That's the difference between you and I.
As to making trouble. I assume that you learned from the loud rejoicing, when APNU won, that Afro Guyanese felt very much under siege, as I always said.
You see you thought that they didn't feel that way because they said little under the PPPs oppressive rule, as they were terrified of the Indo elite, and what it would do to them.
Funny thing. They are now saying all that they always wanted to say, but were afraid to, and now you call them extreme Afrocentrics.
Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build. So don't tell me who is or isn't Guyanese, you need to deal with all the shyte going on right here in the USA with your brothers and leave Guyana to Guyanese.