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Reply to "Economic slowdown as Guyana seems to be headed into a severe recession"

Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I know it's a bitter pill for you to swallow that YOU are the ONLY unmitigated racist on this board and you are in a lonely world.

You are a such a racist that you don't understand that your rant that "blacks have to be lucky that they live in a country with hard working Indians" is a racist statement. 


This being a subtler return to your roots when you screamed that we eat ants, that Indians saved Guyana from being "Rawanda". and that blacks are dirty, illiterate, criminal, and devoted to nothing other than feasting off Indians.


Your post told Indians to flee what use is your "congratulations".  You had decided to peddle a message that Guyana "belongs to blacks", and that blacks do nothing other than live off Indians, and so that sensible Indians will flee.  You subsequently boasted about an "Indian whiplash".  Now that you are challenged by Itaname you pretend that you don't know what you were talking about.


When asked about why you think I am a racist, the best that you can come up with is that I don't like Jadgeo and Ramotar (many Indians don't like them either) and that I am skeptical of Nagamootoo (so are many Indians).


Did I make similar remarks about Roopnarine, Bulkan, or Sharma?  I don't have an especially high opinion of Amna Ally, but then I also doubt you do.  She is a loyal PNC person who is being rewarded for her party service.  No one even knows what she is supposed to be doing.
