This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.
So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana.
CaribNy why don't you shut yu rass.
Really and yet you say NOTHING to baseman and ramakant who said it was as "hard working Indians" cease investing and flee Guyana, leaving it to "lazy blacks".
You say NOTHING to them but attack my response.
Don't you think it odd. Clearly your views more closely align to theirs than you will want to publicly admit.
No one can deny that businessmen have lower confidence in the economy in June 2015 compared to June 2014.
Plus the PPP was pumping all sorts of incentives into the economy in 2014 artificially.
That you cannot do forever.
2015 is the wake up year. We now have to build the economy on a sound foundation.
That is the only reason for the slow down.