Economic slowdown contributing to increase in crime – iNews Poll
[] – An online poll conducted by iNews Guyana shows that people are of the view that the economic slowdown has contributed to the current spate of crimes that has grappled Guyana.
The poll asked persons whether they “think that the slowdown in the economy is contributing to the increase in criminal activities?”
More than half – 60.1% – of the respondents replied in the affirmative while a meagre 35.6% of them responded in the negative. Another 4.2% of persons stated that they were undecided as to whether the two factors are linked.
Online polls such as this one are rubbish and very unreliable. It just states the opinion of the person who visited the site and took the poll. If mostly PPP supporters take the poll then guess what the outcome of the poll will be. There is no way to control people taking the poll to represent the true demographics of the Guyanese population. Besides that, a country's economy does not plunge into recession overnight or in eight weeks. So if it is indeed in recession, then the previous administration has a lot to do with that. The major industries in Guyana were left in shambles by your PPP tiefmen and the Consolidated Fund was in overdraft when the current administration assumed office. Add to that the country's infrastructure is badly in need of an upgrade and crime is through the roof. The new government can hardly be blamed for the mess that it inherited.
Them PPP bhai's don't wanna hear this.