Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.
Interesting comments, given that an African dominated government is now in power.
Now let us see what you will do if this gov't forces the private sector to recruit only 1 Indian out of 20 new hires. And yes, while Indos don't want to work as cops and soldiers, and their interest to be low level civil servants is also in doubt, they do want jobs with large private sector companies.
I know that you will sing a different tune, given that its the welfare of Indians ONLY, and not Guyanese overall which you care about.
I can already hear the howls from you, yuji, and the rest of the Indo KKK.
Hey, as I said, stop whining from 3,600 miles away. Pack up yuh grip and go lead the charge for equal employment. I have been on this site since 2002 and all you do is gripe about the same old shyte over and over and never went down and put yourself out there to further your "cause". Stop talking and go do something as, apparently, leadership is lacking down there. Your people need you so bad and as you have reminded us all, "is alyuh days now".