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Reply to "Economy in good shape - Jordan reports."

Demerara_Guy posted:

The increase in Gold royalties provided by Raphael Trotman; as noted in the media; were speculations and also were never verified as correct.

Really? How do you know?

Gold royalties are up because the Canadians are producing.  It really isn't a mystery.

And I have said.  There isn't a contradiction between the economy growing and popular perceptions that it isn't.  The small gold producers have been squeezed out by dropping prices, and by being pushed out of the best fields.  The money they made went straight into the economy, as these were poor people, so spend every bit that they earn.

Capital intensive operations will hire fewer, source less of their supplies in Guyana, and so the main benefit to GY will be the royalties. Hence there is less of a direct connect with the average Guyanese, especially since this gov't seems prone not to increase the national debt, and to reduce public sector deficits.  This according to the IMF, which is a more credible source than that PPP rag called the Guyana Times.

Now my concern with this gov't is that its running with a CFO and no VP Marketing. Its all well and good to manage the public purse well, but if there isn't economic transformation, then exports will not grow, and ultimately the economy stagnates.

It will be nice if the PPP frauds (and their brown KKK buddies (no more bai, as Bibi is now a card carrying member) grew some brains. Yes there is much to criticize about the coalition gov't.  But descending into brawling behavior like street hoes doesn't boost their credibility.

Last edited by Former Member