quote:Originally posted by Nehru:
To call Ed Ahmed a crook is simply hateful and extremely jealous. Let us not jump too quick to conclusion. Ed has done a wealth of GOOD for our Community and Homeland. I will wait to make judgement. In the meanwhile I wish the brother well and some of you can continue to gloat at his expense.!!!quote:Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:quote:Originally posted by Pointblank:quote:Originally posted by creative:
Innocent until proven Guilty,How about 85% of these sales are blessed.These home owners are living in these houses and are thanking Ed.Structuring the Loans to create housing,Jagdeo friend alright but business associate NAH.
How can you defend this crook
Nehru, the issue is not one of what he did with his wealth, but actually how it was attained. I do think the Febs had something substantial to go on before they moved.
However, as I said, and you are correct, innocent until proven guilty.