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Reply to "Elderly couple explains how Ramjattan conspired with others to deprive them of property"

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The more I look at this Video the more I get sick in my stomach. Is Ramjattan a Lawyer really?? Is he the Guyana Gambino Head. Is this the man wanted to be President of Guyana??? SHAMELESS Piece of CRAP!!! Is this the bareface thief talking about transparency and accountable??? Give me a friggin break!!!!!


  After looking at that 7.20  minutes of  video,  I sincerely doubt that any sane,  honest and  reasonable  person would  conclude  that  there  was any wrong doing on the  part  of  the Attorney  involved. As such, it is  my reasoned  judgement, that your 'outrage' and  ' sick  in  my stomach'  denunciation  is perhaps on par with   a Lombard street   hooker  denouncing prostitution and extolling the  virtue of  her chastity.

Uncle Mara, you patkay de man deh 
