All that you have said here amounts to conjecture, which you yourself have made clear by the use of words such as "apparently" and "could it be", all framed as questions. Nothing you have said negates the fact that it is the lawyer who is paid. That Ramjattan is enquiring into the payment simply means he is doing his job on behalf of his client.
This is a very good attempt at dodging pertinent questions Gerhard. And what job is Ramjattan doing on behalf of which client? Ramjattan is on record as claiming that he did not know the whereabouts of his 'client' Ger..
Even if that is the case, wouldn't the public handing over the cheque serve as an incentive for the client to come forward? Yes? No?
Moreover, the cheque being deposited would earn interest for the client as well, if he takes long to show up. The Gov't holding on to it only symbolises their badmindedness.