a key pillar perpetuating non-democracy in Guyana . . . the opposition, 'then' and now, inexplicably negligent in defending the people from the PPP here
Maybe even the opposition knows the PPP ain't that bad, They (opposition) just want power or share power. Maybe the "bad" PPP is just a figment of people's imagination which they cannot make real.
I don't think the PPP is a party of saints at all. The evidence is on my side. I believe the opposition allowed themselves to be suckered into the trap of protest. The opposition played right into the PPP's bad blackman bogeyman propaganda. With all these ex-PNC bad eggs on the side of the PPP, it is not a stretch of the imagination when people say that the PPP is planting the mischief. Now the AFC has to refocus and when they do protest they have to call targeted and focused picketing exercises. They need to be more clinical in what they cut in Parliament. They need to set the policy agenda in Parliament.
One goes by what is academically sound to start with; any government that resists transparency in its dealings with national assets is corrupt. The lack of "evidence" is a dubious claim being made by the PPP because they are secretive and the only result of their corrupt practice is the rise of the patrician class from their ranks.
The AFC not only needs to refocus but it needs to diversify its tactics. It is clear that the PPP will not give up power until they are below 33%. One therefore need not worry about consolidating power under party banner but consolidating power through empowerment of the powerless. Making sure that people understand it is not merely a PPP parasitism that one fight but anykind of parasitism wrought on uncheckable use of power.
There are no Amerindian representatives from the Amerindian communities who directly represent their people. There are hand selected political parasites who are empowered by the parties used by the parties and who mean little to their people. The same goes for Indians and Africans as well. They do not vote for people they like because they know they can be helped by those persons because of personal ties and or concern for the community. They vote for the wish and the hope of a party and every party in guyana is party centric before being people centric.
Facilitate or advise leaders in region 8 and 8 and 1, 2 and 3 that they will be given a parliamentary post if they go out and mobilize the required votes on their own behalf. We have the statistical tools to break down the community according to how votes are converted to seats and can actually target contact every person amenable to change their vote and we have to begin to bring in local people who know their constituents to act on their behalf.
This is the way is the way of the future because after the PPP removed the possibility of the flipside of the PPP being put in place must be alleviated first by demonstrating to the people before hand that cannot and will not happen in the future. The new authority will not be party elites but will be direct representation from local constituency in parliament and anyone with the basic signatures required to be on the ballot can be on the ballot.