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Reply to "Elected Oligarchy Expands Power"

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

a key pillar perpetuating non-democracy in Guyana . . . the opposition, 'then' and now, inexplicably negligent in defending the people from the PPP here



Maybe even the opposition knows the PPP ain't that bad,  They (opposition) just want power or share power.  Maybe the "bad" PPP is just a figment of people's imagination which they cannot make real.


I don't think the PPP is a party of saints at all. The evidence is on my side. I believe the opposition allowed themselves to be suckered into the trap of protest. The opposition played right into the PPP's bad blackman bogeyman propaganda. With all these ex-PNC bad eggs on the side of the PPP, it is not a stretch of the imagination when people say that the PPP is planting the mischief. Now the AFC has to refocus and when they do protest they have to call targeted and focused picketing exercises. They need to be more clinical in what they cut in Parliament. They need to set the policy agenda in Parliament. 

No one forced members of the opposition to go ferment protest and mayhem causing injury, death and destruction and tensions over a pipe dream of freeness.  What needs to be done is make the proposals to address mainstream issues such as VAT, Duty and general tax reduction on the middle class.  Make proposals on tax and other reforms which broaden the base and improve compliance.  Demonstrate to the people that you can bring about positive change in way "non-PNC'like".  Make positive proposals to reduce corruption in the Civil services, police, etc, not idle and senseless threats and finger pointing.

You opinion that "freeness" is as arrogant as your claim that obama is supported by a "welfare" class. I can also surmise the conclusion gushes forth from the same reeking racist wellspring.


Mainstream issue is accountability, transparency and a constitution that allows a minority government to coopt power and precludes a coalition of the majority for doing the same.


I am quite sissified that non PNC like does not mean PPPlike since they have out murdered, out stolen and out given away to their cronies more of our national assets  many times over in two thirds less time than the PNC.   You have no positive proposals to remove corruption. That would mean you are for changes to the politics of race and the constitution that facilitates race and crony implantation in parliament.
