A small country like Guyana needs 45 radio stations? This is madness. I don't agree with the govt being the ultimate judge of who should get or not get radio license. There must be some transparent metrics to determine the process of awarding radio license. However it must be judicious as in the wrong hands a radio station will only give the opposition an outlet to foster more "mo fiah slow fiah" and perpetuate "kill the cockaroach" ala Rawanda.
Hey Lowlife Turncoat, seems like my responses to your lies have a therapeutic effect on your asinine behaviour.
It is people like you that should be prevented from spewing hatred on the airwaves. Your source of facts is "dem bai seh" and you are foul mouthed, attacking people with vulgar name calling when they disagree with your opinion. hahahahahaha
Got your attention. Low lives like you should not be allowed to breed. Show me where I am foul mouthed brainless jackass.