@Former Member
Banna, what is wrong with you? You are all over the place. You knew of this "plot" in 2011 but never told anyone. Then you came and promised us that Granger had great things in store for Guyana and we would be pleasantly surprised (those posts are in the archives). Do you get high before you post here?
Do you have some insatiable need to feel important or have others think you are "in the know"????? You've been wrong on every count.
Rest easy Baseman. The Portugese guys, Shuman the Amerindian and segments of black society are already on the case. Even Granger's son in law is on record. Where is yuh fren Rat Man? Writing letters from his Rat Cave? Where is Fat Man? He's kinda hard to miss in public so I assume he's eating indoors.
Like it was in 1992 and other years, others will rise to defend you. You and your anti black Indian posse here keep posting videos, cussing black man and "writing letters".