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Reply to "Election in Guyana 2020"

Over the past year, I have stated multiple times that if the PNC wins, it is only because they rig. My brother Django has reassured me that there is no need to rig. I believe I told him that I don't believe that. The PPP and the LJP parties have indicated last night that the RO was declaring SOPs that were quite difficult to ascertain their serial numbers and security prints due to them being only partial SOPs where the areas of those SOPs were not scanned. The PPP and the LJP has also stated that the figures presented are clearly altered in APNU's favor as it was not difficult to see where a 2 was changed to 3 or a 0 changed to 8. Hopefully GECOM will disclose those SOPs but I highly doubt. Until that time, hopefully Django can update us on if he thinks the events yesterday amounts to rigging and if he has any of the SOPs that GECOM used in their exercise yesterday. Until suck conclusive evidence is presented, I have to accept what the PPP and LJP states.
