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Reply to "Election in Guyana 2020"

Sase Gunraj

IT’S 11PM....

And I’m forced to report that all is not well in our country.

1. RO Mingo is preparing to make a declaration based on a fraudulent ascertaining process.

2. The Statements of Poll were scanned and projected on the stained bed sheet/cardboard contraption that served as a screen.

3. The Statements of Poll were evidently tampered with. There were visible alterations...figures changed, numbers scratched out and replaced.

4. The physical infrastructure and circumstances of the facility used leaves much to be desired.

5. There were boisterous mobs outside the GECOM High Street Office who physically prevented free ingress and egress by persons entitled by law to be present, verbally assaulted persons trying to do so and actually hit some persons going into the office, including me.
6. Even though the proffered excuse for the shift in venue was the availability of equipment to comply with the CJ’s ruling, there was similar equipment at Ashmin’s and preparations under the supervision of PA to the CEO, Duarte Hetsberger, were ongoing since yesterday.

7. The Police condoned the behavior of the mob, because even though they observed clearly breaking the law were left to do so.

But alas...I am aware that representatives of several parties are prepared to make requests for recounts and I not that the Chairman made certain pronouncements about the recount process.

This is a sad and dark day in the history of Guyana. I really never envisaged that my beloved country would have to suffer through in 2020, or ever again!!


RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!

Picture was moments before the process was completed


RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!

Picture was moments before the process was completed.

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor
